Flow of time

"Only the most concise, direct, functional, economical, and natural have true beauty." Antonin Raymond * It's been more than a dozen years since I worked on architectural design. I became aware that I was already in middle age and now in the second half of my life. However, the achievement of the “young boy, easy to learn” goal is still far away. Several of my own buildings have been completed, supporting and protecting the lives of the dwellers, and at the same time I feel that I am incising history. The brilliance of the white wood that was impressed at the time of completion was lost, and the wood has begun to darken. Mrs. Okawa's children, who were first requested to design, have already grown up, and now live away from their homes where they were born and separated. Recently, I came to remember the nostalgic sense of Akira Muto ** who was taught in a university laboratory. I did not attend, although I was informed of the meeting of the wolf 13 times last year. People call it "phantom sake", but all the graduates of the Muto Lab should be able to see it. I was guided by a senior when I was in university, and I can not forget the excitement when I saw the club Sanso in the fresh green and Tateshina. I think that the way of life of A. Aalto who studied is flowing in the bottom of the mind of Mr. Muto. When I worked on the architect, at first I just looked at the photos of the building and I felt I was thinking that it would be my own nutrition. However, the act of designing is the way of life of the person as it is. I realized that I had to make a personality. You should see that everything that people make is reflected in their thoughts and way of life. Furthermore, wisdom that insights into the history and culture of the region will be needed. Right now I feel like I really want to go the way of manufacturing. After opening the design office, I had the opportunity to design and manage about seven detached houses including my own atelier and house. If you think about it, this number is by no means large, but rather small. But that was a high quality, dense experience. The fact that they are related to the important position of homemaking can now be remembered with clear impressions about each house and the owner of the house. That is the feeling that they shared their lives with the owner, the owner. Of course, I am confident that I have improved my ability as a designer, but recently, when designing a house, I have come to think that the most important thing is "interchange of mind and mutual consideration." There is a word that "a good architecture comes from a beautiful dialogue," but it may not be. Luckily, those who appointed me as house designers took part of the family's destiny. I want to accept the meaning of this thing heavily. "Because beautiful things are very useful". I would like to create a space that is as true and beautiful as possible without fear of misrepresentation. And I want you to leave a lot of beautiful memories of the residents. So, I sincerely hope that you will be lucky to meet as a partner to create your only home in the world.

Tateshina Club Sanso **

  1. *Lecture on Architecture and Culture '95 New Association of Japanese Architects **

  2. *To organic composition Akira Muto Architectural works Collection of separate buildings for residential buildings. 31 Architectural Materials Research Institute (1997. 10)

I tried to pick up the text that I wrote down in the past.

Considering the design of participation

Jiro Kon, who is known for his research on the conception and the study of private houses, completely understands the everyday life of the common people in various parts of Japan and says that "life with creativity and ingenuity is the joy of life." The same can be said for the town planning of the residents. An administration that does not reflect the will of the people will not be a pleasure for the people. There is pleasure in the ingenuity and ingenuity. Recently I came to hear the word "design for participation" well. It is also called "participation design", and it is often in the form of a workshop called "a workshop," which is a meeting where people gather together to create design work and plan plans. The design of such participation is one of the means to support the direct participation of residents in the design and is significant. For example, there are merits such as that participants can create relationships that can be learned beyond their positions, support self-realization, be able to have a sense of attachment or responsibility for their own decisions, and be able to get to know each other. In order to manage the design of participation, it is essential that the person who works as a facilitator and who acts as the facilitator of the conference from a neutral position. For a facilitator, in order to proceed with design, various abilities * such as making a story, a lecturer, a designer, a manager, creating an atmosphere, etc. are required. In addition, the design of participation can be said to impress the transformation of ability and sensitivity to architects and professionals. Beyond such points of caution, we may not have to make the design of participation a part of our own practice.

  1. *A series of articles by Yasuhiro Endo, "Design toolbox for participation" reference (Kentu. Shimbun 97.10. 2)

Significance of the open design competition

Recently, I had the opportunity to see the "Helsinki: City with Forests Exhibition". From the late 19th century to today, it has incorporated the natural environment and actively incorporated the history of creating a beautiful city. Helsinki is also known as a residential complex called the capital of woods such as Tapiola, but it is also a city that produced Alva Aalto and Eliere Saarinen, world-renowned architects. This Helsinki can be said to be a very active city for design competitions. Up to the present, 136 design competitions have been held for about a century. Aalto and Saarinen grew up in such an environment. It goes without saying that as a merit of conducting design competition, public participation is possible by opening the process of design and planning, and from the standpoint of applicants who can openly discuss the good and bad of the plan as a result The opportunity to improve one's ability by being able to compare with the draft of the proposal, etc. can be avoided, such as bidding and rigging can be avoided. On the other hand, there are demerits such as that the work of the planning side becomes complicated, it takes a number of days from planning to the start of construction, the cost to the applicants, etc. Such open design competitions are schools for urban development and human development. And, as if there is a rose in the hands, it is one of the means to overthrow participants' sensibility, to raise dignity, and thus to promote citizen's independence. I would like to play a public design competition. (Kentu. Shimbun 97.10. 20)

Expectations for Cooperative House

Friends who are close friends and people who want to live in their neighborhood for a lifetime gather voluntarily, and there has been a lot of movement to build houses jointly. Originally spread in Sweden and the US and Europe, it is called a cooperative house. From securing the land to recruiting family members who want to participate, design requests, construction orders, and operation management, we intend to work together. The good point of this cooperative house seems to be in response to the evolution of lifestyle. For example, there are many advantages such as natural relationships of mutual assistance, realization of work and housing, various ways of living possible, ecological and energy saving efforts, and living together with various generations. It is said that there is something that also leads to the development of small communities, such as child care that occurs with a declining birthrate and an aging society, solutions such as nursing care, and a desire for coexistence between men and women. In fact, several years ago, we have been conducting workshops on cooperative houses with more than a dozen members of house design, but there are various requests for common space and common space as well as individual housing arrangements. Very interesting. Joint Shia, water place, library room, bird's hut, fruit tree, greenhouse, joint office with big table, well, entrance with gallery, counter bar with sunset view, hiding place, pottery studio, etc. . Of course, it would be impossible to include them all in communal housing. Well what kind of cooperative house is it ...? Everyone wants to bloom in the wasteland. (Cont. Shimbun 97.10.27)

The concept of community development

It is said that "God dwells in details". For those who want to make a community, isn't this word rich in suggestions? It is because the establishment of a close relationship with the neighboring society and neighbors where people in the area live can be said to be the basis for building a rich and stable area. So to speak, our ethics and morals, who live in the area, appear in the form of culture and economy. Community development is, in that sense, the development and development of people's "life" and "mind", and each individual should be compared to an organism aiming at self-realization. Looking at our surroundings, along with globalization and aging, we can cite the expansion of new towns and housing complexes specializing in urban functions and residences as problems unique to the metropolitan area. . From the viewpoint of regional development, the formation of new communities, maintenance of recreation environment and life, and maintenance of cultural environments have become issues for new residents who have moved in new places. On the other hand, for old rural communities and residents of the old city area, rebuilding the declining community is a challenge, such as regeneration of agriculture, revitalization of shopping districts, land readjustment, and reconstruction of old city areas. And these new residents and old residents are mixed like mottling in the area. The aspirations and needs of these new people as emerging forces and old people as declining forces are not the same, but as the needs of the two combine, the direction of regional development in the future may be seen . As the theme of such community development, 1) Reproduction of shopping street as development of community and community 2) Citizenship of suburbs farming, correspondence to outdoor recreation 3) Aiming at symbiosis with nature and wildlife Maintenance of living environment 4) Occupational proximity and land use, combined use of construction 5) Reuse and symbiosis of old-time cultural capital goods, etc. are considered as a concept of regional development in the future as the "bud of collapse" of the old power I think I will be able to In managing such regional development, it is desirable for regional leaders to foster the management sense of a non-profit enterprise organization. We should boldly work on regional development as our best friend with various restrictions. "21st Century Regional Networking" Saitama Prefecture 1993

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