Vol.4.11 作品 Case studyVol.4_Case_study.html
















Design meaning

1.Site environment

The site is faced the Main Street on the northwest side, grows up greatly also by the street trees zelkova, and exists in one stroke of a mature urban area. There is a building of two stories in the next ground in the southwest, and surroundings are enclosed by the house of all two story including it. Therefore, it is thought that the glance from surroundings and securing sunshiny are one of the big problems of this plan.

2.Composition of internal space.

Four standard cars are secured for the first floor as a garage or a parking lot, and the bathroom besides the door, the living room, the kitchen, the dining room, and the Japanese-style room, the rest room, and utility, etc. are arranged, and the composition of the house takes the stairs at the center, and secures 4 rooms in the private room and the rest room and the drying space for the second floor. In addition, an open deck terrace where it touches air in the part that faces the south of the second floor has been installed.

3.About the lighting and ventilation

It seems that the place where the condition of the lighting is the best in the site is the second floor part in one near the next ground on the north side and the first floor part in the corner in the south. Therefore, the part in the corner in the south is secured as a garden such as lawns and trees, it faces the garden, and the living room, the dining room, and the kitchen, etc. are arranged. It draws to the north side where the lighting condition is good and the private room is arranged on the second floor.

4.About the garage

The car is making it to the method to ride in the site. Hope of the roof and a crime prevention thing were held concurrently on the car when parking and it paid it indoors by the piloti form. Two will be able to be parked for the visitor besides private four.

5.About the glance from surroundings

The first floor's worth of of living room and a garden were assumed that the view was obstructed with the arranging fence such as [kanamemochi] according to the corner of the south, and assumed to install a wooden wall of the height of about 3m in height along the next ground by the parking lot part. I think the glance to the second floor part from surroundings for a partial screening effect to exist by the sidewall of an open deck terrace.

6.Dining room table of [hoko] seeing [shiki]

It is a room space as for the living room, the stairs, the dining room, and the kitchen of the first floor, and the dining room table of [hoko] seeing [shiki] occupies the corner of the north side. It seems that usual life is activated with the kitchen that fell by one step according to the usage. It is the one that twines the heating device etc. of the floor and achieves.

7.About the construction cost

Because the cost of the finishing material falls compared with another, it is thought that the plan building is perfectible without becoming excess like it in contradiction to looking large though it thinks the garage part of the first floor to be included in a legal description floor space.

4.11 KCH






敷地面積  251.98m2

建築面積  120.90m2(36.50坪) (建ぺい率 47.98%<60%)

1階床面積  64.54m2(19.48坪) 2階床面積 89.44m2(27.0坪) 

延床面積  車庫部分を除いて153.98 m2(46.48坪)  (容積率 61.11%<200%)











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4.11 KCH

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・安藤邸 「住まいの設備を選ぶ本」2013秋号に掲載されました。


・安藤邸 住宅新報に掲載されました。