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 ●建物名 船戸邸
 ●設計  宮田総合計画事務所
 ●施工  市川建築 竣工 2001年12月
 ●構造規模 木造2階建て
  屋根  日本瓦葺き 勾配5.5寸
  外壁  軸組みあらわし、しっくい塗り仕上げ
  軒裏  化粧垂木、出し桁あらわし
  建具  アルミサッシ 木製建具

Funato house 舩戸邸

It is the one that a big private house of "Opening lintel structure"(sashigamoi) of about 35 years after old built after the war was reproducing renewed.

Because the ground was comparatively low, and the fear of the flood existed on the premises, too  raising construction of the base (kasa-age) was done at the same time.

Moreover, the first floor part shows the ceiling, the beam, the lintel, and the common joist, etc.

The hardship was difficultly gotten from client's extraordinary zeal and chief and construction was stored.

The first floor living room, the dining room, and the kitchen are equipping of floor heating.

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・安藤邸 「住まいの設備を選ぶ本」2013秋号に掲載されました。


・安藤邸 住宅新報に掲載されました。